first of all i would like to say what great work this bot is, and that i have some ideas. i am not a coder, so please forgive me if these ideas are not posible
1. is it possible to include auto avade options for vills? and maybe auto defence for the cap?
2. would it be possible to have an auto troop feed option? so you can set a vill that is running minus wheat, and the bot will feed this vill?
3. on the resource build screen, could a "+1 all fields button" be added? so when pressed it will set all fields to build 1 more level
4. will there be a troop upgrade option?
5. sorry i have a long list :P
6. will there be an attack builder? so you can set troops ready, and then select a time/day for troops to arrive to the sec, either for attack or cutting waves, this could be very handy
7. are there any plans to add oasis to the farm search, auto-farming options?
8. and finaly, and i think is the hardest one. a friend of mine had a bot (a russian bot) and i was a sitter, this bot had a clevel function. he bot was running on his pc, so as a sitter i could send a message to his account saying "hi, are you there?" the bot would read this and stop. then when i had finished i wrote" ok, i am leaving the account now" and the bot would read and start again. you could chose what messages did what, but it was very useful for sitters and duels :)